Google Algorithm for SEO

Keyword as First Word of the Domain Name is Important for SEO

  • Google Algorithm: #3
  • Webmaster Level: All
We already discussed about Keywords in Domain Name is important or not? now we're going to discuss about Keyword as First Word in Domain Name. This is the 3rd Algorithm of Google's Top 200 Algorithms. This is one of the important algorithm of Google. Search Engine Specialist agrees domains starts with Keywords always do well in search engine rankings. It always have an edge over other domain name which doesn't have keywords in the domain name. Keywords as First Word have important factor than Keywords appear as Second or Third Word in the Domain Name. So when you're registering a domain name always go for preferred keyword(s). If it is not available then consider this above factor that is Keyword as First Word of the Domain Name. 
Latest survey says keywords as first word of the domain name have 49.32% impact on search engine rankings.
This is something remarkable when compare to ordinary sites without keywords. You see the below picture for more clarity on the subject.

Keywords as First Word in Domain Name

  1. Google consider Keywords in Domain Name as a Relevancy Signal
  2. Keywords in Domain Name always play better in search engine rankings.
  3. Keywords in Domain Name itself a Ranking Factor 
  4. Keywords appear in First Word of the Domain Name have more advantage than other domains which has no keywords.
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